Thursday, May 22, 2008

On-going Maintenance or Treatment of Ticks

You still need to continue to do body searches on your dog to look for any ticks during and after the application of Frontline or equivalent.

Typically, if your dog is an indoor dog, it is unlikely to get tick or flea infestation. However, when you take your dog out for walks in the woods or meet other dogs during the walks, there is a possiblity a tick or two may jump over to your dog.

I have heard from friends that their dogs after spending a night or two at the vet clinic, their dogs caught some ticks. Similar, when they sent them to pet hotel when they need to travel overseas and they do not want to leave their dogs alone in the house or apartement.

I believe my dogs have been free of tick or fleas for the past few years until I took my dogs to unfamiliar areas in my housing estate recently. Since then, I have avoided that part of my estate and stick to my regular route.

The pet shop that sold me Forntline, also recommended a flea and tick spray to apply aorund the areas that my dogs are kept. In this case, the car porch and the garden so I sprayed a bit of the liquid in the event the ticks and fleas dropped off my dogs and went into hiding.....ha...ha...ha...

So as part of your on-going grooming regime, you should watch our for recurrence of any ticks invasion or uninvited ticks or fleas after a walk or encounters with other dogs during your walks.

You need not be paranoid but I am sure you play with your dog daily so just run your hand over their body or fur and do what I have explained earlier on as body search.

The idea is to detect their presence and take action immediately to prevent a huge tick infestation by breaking up its breeding cycle.

Good luck and take good care of your dog....


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